How Do I Create a Slideshow on WordPress?

Once you have created your WordPress slideshow, you will need to upload it to your website. To do this, locate the file you uploaded to your computer and use the “Upload a File” feature in the WordPress admin area.

(The admin area is located at the top of the screen and looks like a “page” with a blue header and a white body.) Click on the “Upload a File” link and select the file you wish to upload.

Once the file is uploaded, click on the “Slideshow” link in the WordPress admin area. This will take you to the slideshow screen. In the “Slideshow Settings” area, you will need to specify the name of your slideshow, the number of slides, and the duration of the slideshow.

(The duration is in seconds, so be sure to enter a value that is divisible by 60.) You can also specify a title for your slideshow, and add a description if you wish.

When you are finished setting up your slideshow, click on the “Create Slideshow” button. This will take you to the “Slideshow” page, where you will see your new slideshow.

You can now click on the “Publish” button to upload your slideshow to your website.

Congratulations! You have now created a WordPress slideshow.