How Do I Make a Slideshow on WordPress?

Making a WordPress slideshow is a breeze. All you need is a few basic ingredients and a little bit of creativity.

First, you’ll need a photo gallery or image editor to create your slides. You can use any photo gallery or image editor you like, but we recommend using a free, user-friendly program like Photobucket.

Once you’ve created your slides, you’ll need to add a few basic WordPress features to your website. First, add a simple slideshow plugin to your WordPress site.

We recommend using Slideshow Pro, which is a free plugin available from the WordPress plugin repository.

Once you’ve installed the plugin, go to the Slideshow Pro settings page and enter your slideshow’s title and description. Next, add your photos to the slideshow.

You can add as many photos as you like, but we recommend limiting your slideshow to between 8 and 12 photos.

Finally, add a simple slideshow template to your WordPress site. You can find a free slideshow template on the WordPress Plugin Repository.

Once you’ve added the template, all you need to do is enter your slideshow’s title and description, and your slides will be ready to go.

Your slideshow is now ready to be viewed on your website. Congratulations!.