How Do I Make My Header Smaller in WordPress?

When creating a header for your WordPress blog, it is important to consider how large it will be relative to the rest of your blog content. By following a few simple guidelines, you can make your header smaller without sacrificing its importance or aesthetics.

First and foremost, make sure the header size is within the bounds of your blog’s overall design. Too small a header and it will look insignificant next to your posts, while too large a header will take up too much space and be difficult to read.

Secondly, consider the font size you are using. A larger font size will make a smaller header look more prominent, while a smaller font size will make the header look smaller and easier to read.

Finally, consider the layout of your blog. A header that spans the entire width of your blog page will look more imposing, while a header that is limited to the bottom half of your blog page will look more compact.