How Do I Find the Slug in WordPress?

Slugs are a very important part of WordPress. They are the unique identifiers for posts, pages, and posts within pages.

Slugging can help you keep track of posts and pages, and can make it easier to find specific posts.

To slug a post, first click on the post title in the Posts section of your WordPress site. Then, on the Edit Post page, in the Slug field, type the slug for the post.

To slug a page, first click on the page title in the Pages section of your WordPress site. Then, on the Edit Page page, in the Slug field, type the slug for the page.

To find a post with a specific slug, first search for the post title in the Posts section of your WordPress site. If the post with the desired slug is found, it will be listed in the results of the search.

If the post isn’t found, then the slug for the post can be found on the Edit Post page, in the Slug field.

To find a page with a specific slug, first search for the page title in the Pages section of your WordPress site. If the page with the desired slug is found, it will be listed in the results of the search.

If the page isn’t found, then the slug for the page can be found on the Edit Page page, in the Slug field.