How Do I Make a Forum Website on WordPress?

Making a WordPress forum website is easy and can be done in a few simple steps. First, create a new WordPress forum site. Once the site is created, follow these steps to set up your forum:

1. Activate the plugin WordPress Forum by clicking on the “Activate” link on the plugin’s page.

2. Enter your forum’s name in the “Site Title” field.

3. Click on the “Create Forum” button.

4. Fill in the necessary forum information in the “Forum Information” field.


6. Click on the “Appearance” tab and select the theme you want to use for your forum.

7. Click on the “Members” tab and add the forum members you want to include in your forum.

8. Click on the “Publish” button.

9. Click on the “Back to WordPress” button on the main WordPress screen.

10. Log in to your forum and click on the “Posts” tab to start writing your forum posts.