How Do I Add a Discussion Forum in WordPress?

Adding a discussion forum in WordPress is a relatively easy process. To begin, you will need to create a new forum post.

Once you have created the post, you will need to add the required WordPress functions and hooks. To do this, open the post in a text editor such as Notepad and locate the following lines of code:.

The first line of code you will need to add is the forum shortcode. To add the shortcode, you will need to copy and paste the following code into your post:


The next line of code you will need to add is the forum destination. This line specifies where the forum content will be displayed.

You can specify the location of the forum content in a number of different ways, but the most common way to do this is to use the post’s content template. To find the post’s content template, open the post in a text editor and locate the following line of code:.

The final line of code you will need to add is the forum content. This line specifies the content that will be displayed in the forum.

In most cases, this will be a single paragraph. To add the paragraph of content, you will need to copy and paste the following code into your post:.


Adding a discussion forum in WordPress is a relatively easy process. By following the instructions outlined in this article, you will be able to add the required WordPress functions and hooks.