How Do I Make a Clickable Map in WordPress?

Making a clickable map in WordPress is easy. First, create a new file called “map.

php” in your WordPress themes directory. Next, add the following code to your map.php file:.

set_center(5, 5); $map->set_zoom(15); $map->set_map_type(‘roadmap’); $map->set_map_size_factor(1.5); $map->set_map_labels_array(array( ‘name’ => ‘Athletic Department’, ‘address’ => ‘123 Main Street’, ‘telephone’ => ‘555-1212′, ‘website’ => ‘http://www.’ )); ?>.

Next, add a map_meta field to your map.php file and set its value to “map_active”.

This will make the map active and display on page load.

To make the map interactive, add a click event to your map.php file and add the following code to it:

add_event(‘click’, ‘Open Map in New Window’); ?>

Finally, add a link to your map.php file from your WordPress content.

This will allow visitors to open the map in a new window.

That’s all there is to it! Clicking on the map will open a new window with the map’s location highlighted.