How Do I Make a Clickable Link in WordPress?

Creating a clickable link in WordPress is relatively easy. All you need is a bit of coding and a few WordPress plugins.

To create a clickable link in WordPress, you first need to create a link. To do this, you can use the built-in WordPress link function or one of the many WordPress plugins available.

Once you have created your link, you need to add a little code to your post or page. You can do this by adding a line of code to the bottom of your post or page.

The code you need to add will vary depending on the WordPress plugin you are using, but generally it will look something like this:

[ link text ]

Link Text

The [link text] portion of the code will be the text you want to appear as the link title, and the [a href=”http://www.

com” title=”Link Title”] portion of the code will be the text you want to appear as the link text.

Once you have added the code, you simply need to make sure that the link text is visible on your post or page. You can do this by either setting the link text to be the same as the link title or by using a CSS rule to hide the link text until the user clicks on it.

If you are using a WordPress plugin, you can also add a little extra functionality to your link by using one of the plugin’s features. For example, the WP Super Cache plugin allows you to cache your links so that the user will always be taken to the same page regardless of whether or not they have loaded the post or page that contains the link.

Overall, creating a clickable link in WordPress is relatively easy.