How Do I Create an Image Map in WordPress?

Creating an image map in WordPress is a fairly simple process. First, you will need to create a new file in your WordPress site called

To do this, navigate to your WordPress site’s “wp-content” folder and create a new file called image. The file should contain the following:.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ‘My Image Map’ , ‘latitude’ => ‘37.419000’ , ‘longitude’ => ‘-122.080000′ , ‘map_width’ => 640 , ‘map_height’ => 360 , ‘zoom’ => 18 , ‘layer’ => ‘landscape’ )) ; // Add markers to the map $markers = array ( ‘#marker-1′ => array ( ‘latitude’ => 37.419000 , ‘longitude’ => -122.080000 , ‘title’ => ‘My First Marker’ ), ‘#marker-2′ => array ( ‘latitude’ => 37.080000 , ‘title’ => ‘My Second Marker’ ), ‘#marker-3′ => array ( ‘latitude’ => 37.080000 , ‘title’ => ‘My Third Marker’ ), ‘#marker-4′ => array ( ‘latitude’ => 37.

080000 , ‘title’ => ‘My Fourth Marker’ ), ‘#marker-5′ => array ( ‘latitude’ => 37.080000 , ‘title’ => ‘My Fifth Marker’ ), ‘#marker-6′ => array ( ‘latitude’ => 37.080000 , ‘title’ => ‘My Sixth Marker’ ), ‘#marker-7′ => array ( ‘latitude’ => 37.080000 , ‘title’ => ‘My Seventh Marker’ ), ‘#marker-8′ => array ( ‘latitude’ => 37.080000 , ‘title’ => ‘My Eighth Marker’ ), ‘#marker-9′ => array ( ‘latitude’ => 37.080000 , ‘title’ => ‘My Ninth Marker’ ), ); // Add the map to the WordPress site $map -> addTo ( ‘map’ , ‘landscape’ ); // Output the map $map -> show (); ?>.

In this file, you will need to set up the map’s properties. The properties you need to set are:

title – This is the title of the image map

latitude – This is the latitude of the map’s center

longitude – This is the longitude of the map’s center

map_width – This is the width of the map in pixels

map_height – This is the height of the map in pixels

zoom – This is the zoom level of the map

layer – This is the layer of the map (landscape or aerial)

Now, you will need to add markers to the map. To do this, you will need to create an array and store the latitude, longitude, and title of the marker in the array. The marker will also need a icon file. To create the icon file, you will need to find a free icon file online and save it to your site.

Once you have saved the icon file, add it to the marker’s array in the file.

Now, you will need to add the map to the WordPress site. To do this, you will need to add the map’s class to the map’s wrapper object. The map’s wrapper object is located in the wp-content/maps folder.

After you have added the map’s class, you will need to add the map to the map’s container object. The map’s container object is located in the wp-content/site-map folder.

After you have added the map to the site, you will need to output the map. To do this, you will need to call the map’s show() method.

The show() method will output the map on the website.