How Do I Go to an Old Page in WordPress?

If you want to go to an old page on your WordPress website, there are a couple of ways to do it. The first way is to use the History feature in your WordPress admin area.

To access the History feature, go to the »History« menu item in your admin area, and then click on the »History by Date« button.

The History by Date tool will show you a list of all the pages on your website, sorted by the date they were last updated. To go to an old page, just click on the date corresponding to the page you want to visit.

WordPress will take you to the page as it appeared on that date, with any changes you’ve made since then displayed in the »Latest Changes« section at the top of the page.

If you want to go to an old page on a specific blog post or page, you can use the »Previous Post/Page« links that appear at the top of every blog post and on the left side of every page. Just click on the link to go to the old page on that post or page, and WordPress will take you to the page as it appeared on that date.

If you want to go to an old page on your website but don’t have a date to reference, you can use the »Search« feature in your admin area. Just type in a phrase or keyword that you think might correspond to an old page on your website, and WordPress will show you all the pages that include that phrase or keyword in their title or content.

If you click on one of the links in the results list, WordPress will take you to the old page on your website that corresponds to the search term you used.