How Do I Find My Main Page in WordPress?

Finding your main WordPress page can be a little daunting if you’re not familiar with the ins and outs of the platform. Here are a few tips to help you out:

1. Use the WordPress Admin Panel

The WordPress Admin Panel is where you’ll find all of your site’s settings and management. To find your main page, open the Dashboard and click on the Posts tab.

On the left side of the screen, you’ll see a list of all of your current posts. Scroll down until you find the post you’re looking for, and then click on its title to open it in the editor.

2. Look for the “Main Page” Link

The “Main Page” link is often featured at the top of a post’s page, and it will take you to the post’s main content. If the “Main Page” link isn’t present, you can find it by clicking on the post’s title and scrolling down until you see the “Pages” section.

Click on the “Pages” tab and then on the “Main Page” link to open the post’s main content in a new window.

3. Use the “Pages” Section

The “Pages” section is a hierarchal list of posts, and it’s a great way to find your main page. To find your main page, click on the “Pages” tab and then on the “Main Page” link to open the post’s main content in a new window.

From here, you can easily navigate to the page you’re looking for.

4. Use the “Posts” Section

The “Posts” section is a chronological list of all of your posts, and it’s a great way to find posts that are related to the post you’re looking for. To find posts related to the post you’re looking for, click on the “Posts” tab and then on the “Related Posts” link to open the post’s related posts in a new window.

From here, you can easily navigate to the post you’re looking for.