How Do I Change My Home Page in WordPress?

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to change your home page in WordPress. First, you need to go to your WordPress admin area and under “Settings”, you will see the “Pages” section.

To change your home page, click on the “Pages” tab and then locate the “Home” page. You will see a list of pages under this tab, and you can either change the name of the page or click on the “Edit” button to modify the content of the page.

To change the name of the page, type in a new name for the page and then click on the “Save” button. To modify the content of the page, you will need to scroll down until you see the “Home” tab and then enter the desired content.

Once you have finished editing the page, click on the “Publish” button to publish the page and then click on the “Back to WordPress” button to return to the WordPress admin area.

Finally, you need to click on the “Pages” tab and then locate the “Home” page. You will now see the new name that you entered for the page and the modified content.