How Do I Find the Debug Log in WordPress?

Debugging problems in WordPress can be challenging. In this article, we will describe how to find the debug log in WordPress.

When you’re having trouble with your WordPress site, the first place to look is the debug log. The debug log records all of the actions taken by WordPress while running your site.

To find the debug log, go to your WordPress site’s admin panel and click on the “Logs” tab. The debug log will be listed under the “Logs” heading.

If you’re having trouble with a specific post, excerpt, or plugin, you can use the debug log to track down the problem. For example, if you’re having trouble with a post, you can look for lines that mention the post’s ID.

If you’re having trouble with a plugin, you can look for lines that mention the plugin’s name.

If you’re not sure which line to look for, you can use the “Search logs” feature to find the line you’re looking for.

Once you’ve located the line you’re looking for, you can use it to troubleshoot the problem. For example, if you’re having trouble with a post, you can try to fix the problem by editing the line in the debug log.

If you’re not sure how to fix the problem, you can contact support.

The debug log is a valuable tool for troubleshooting WordPress problems. By using it, you can quickly identify the problem and fix it.