How Do I Find DNS Records in WordPress?

When setting up a new WordPress site, one of the first things you’ll need to do is add a domain name and point it to your server. Once you’ve set up your domain and WordPress site, you’ll need to add a DNS entry for your site.

To add a DNS entry for your WordPress site, first go to your server’s control panel and look for a box that says “DNS.” In that box, you’ll need to add a new DNS entry for your site. The format for this entry is “

” For example, if your site is called “,” your entry would be “WordPress.”.

Once you’ve added this entry, you’ll need to point your domain name at the address that you’ve entered in the “DNS” box. For example, if your domain name is “,” you’d point it at “WordPress.


Once you’ve set up your DNS entry, you’ll be able to access your WordPress site at the address “WordPress.
