How Do I Find Out the Size of an Image in WordPress?

When you want to insert an image into your WordPress blog post, you can use the media library to find and select the file you want to use.

First, open the media library in WordPress. To do this, go to “Press This” on the main WordPress menu, and then select “Media Library.”

Scroll down until you see the image you want to use. Click on it to open the context menu.

Select “Insert Image.”

In the “Insert Image” dialog box, you will need to give the image a name.

Click on the “Browse” button to find and select the file you want to use.

Click on the “Insert” button to insert the image into your post.

You can also use the media library to resize an image.

Second, select the image you want to resize.

Third, click on the “Scale” button.

Fourth, enter the new size in pixels in the “Width” and “Height” fields.

Click on the “Scale” button to apply the changes.

You can also use the media library to crop an image.

Second, select the image you want to crop.

Third, click on the “Crop” button.

Click on the “Crop” button to apply the changes.

Finally, you can add a caption to an image.

Second, select the image you want to caption.

Third, click on the “Caption” button.

Fourth, enter the text you want to appear in the caption.

You can also use the media library to change the format of an image.

Second, select the image you want to change the format of.

Third, click on the “Format” button.

Fourth, select the format you want to use from the list.

Click on the “Format” button to apply the changes.

Finally, you can add a video to your WordPress blog post.

Second, select the video you want to add to your post.

Third, click on the “Add Media” button.

Fourth, select the file you want to use.

Click on the “Add Media” button to add the video to your post.

You can also use the media library to change the video format.

Second, select the video you want to change the format of.

Finally, you can add a link to an image.

Second, select the image you want to add to your post.

Fourth, select the link you want to use.

Click on the “Add Media” button to add the link to your post.

You can also use the media library to change the link format.

Second, select the link you want to change the format of.

Finally, you can add a social media link to an image.

Fourth, select the social media link you.