How Do I Find My WordPress Timezone?

One of the most important aspects of setting up a WordPress site is getting the timezone right. This is especially important if you’re using a plugin or a theme that doesn’t have timezone support built in.

To find your WordPress timezone, open the Settings page for your site. On the left side of the page, you’ll see a list of general settings.

Beneathneath that, you’ll see a section called “Timezone.” In that section, you’ll see a list of timezones corresponding to the different parts of the world.

To find your WordPress timezone, click on the timezone that corresponds to where you’re located. A window will open with more information about that timezone, including the time and date.

You can also click on the “Active Timezones” link to see a list of all the timezones that are currently active on your site.

If you’re using a WordPress plugin or a theme that doesn’t have timezone support built in, you’ll need to find a time zone conversion plugin or a WordPress time zone plugin. There are a number of these plugins available on the WordPress.

org plugin directory.

Once you’ve found the plugin that you need, enter the time zone information into the plugin’s settings. You’ll then need to make sure that the time zone information is included in the WordPress site’s header.

This is usually done by adding the timezone information to the wp_timezone database table.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your WordPress site will use the correct time zone for all of the posts and pages on your site.