How Do I Find My WordPress Portfolio?

If you are a WordPress developer, then you are likely aware of the importance of a portfolio to help showcase your work. A WordPress portfolio can be a great way to show off your skills and work to potential clients or employers.

There are a number of ways to create a WordPress portfolio, and the following tips will help you find the best way to do so.

Begin by thinking about what you want to showcase in your portfolio. Do you want to showcase your work as a WordPress developer? Are you more interested in showcasing your work as a designer? Think about what you are best known for and focus your portfolio around that.

Once you have decided what you want to showcase, start by creating a folder on your computer that will house your portfolio. This folder should be named something that represents you, such as “John Doe WordPress Developer” or “ Nicole Smith Graphic Designer.”

Inside of this folder, create a folder for each project you want to include in your portfolio. This folder should include a folder for each project you worked on, as well as files related to that project.

Next, start compiling your portfolio by filling each folder with your most recent work. You can include files such as project files, screenshots, and even videos if you want.

When you are finished, it is time to put your portfolio online. You can do this by uploading your files to a website like WordPress.

com or by using a service like


A WordPress portfolio can be a great way to showcase your skills and work to potential clients or employers. By following these tips, you can create a portfolio that reflects your best work and showcases your abilities as a WordPress developer.