How Do I Get the Post Date and Time in WordPress?

In WordPress, the post date and time can be retrieved using the get_the_post_date() and get_the_post_time() functions. The post date is returned as a string in the format “Y-m-d H:i:s”.

The post time is returned as a string in the format “H:i:s”.

To retrieve the post date, use the get_the_post_date() function. This function takes an optional parameter, post_type, which can be used to restrict the return to posts of a certain type.

If post_type is not specified, then all posts are returned.

To retrieve the post time, use the get_the_post_time() function.

To limit the output of the get_the_post_date() and get_the_post_time() functions to a specific date range, use the post_date_gmt and post_time_gmt parameters. These parameters take a string in the format “Y-m-d H:i:s”, where “Y” is the year, “m” is the month, “d” is the day, “H” is the hour, “i” is the minute, and “s” is the second.

For example, to retrieve all posts that were posted between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017, you could use the following code:


To retrieve all posts that were posted between 10 a.m.

and 11 a. on July 4, 2017, you could use the following code:.
