How Do I Filter a WordPress Blog by Category?

When you are looking to find a blog post to read, it can be difficult to decide which category to search in. This is especially true if you are not familiar with the blog’s content.

There are a few ways to find blog posts that are specific to a category. One way is to use the search bar at the top of the blog page.

Another way is to use the category tags that are listed on the left side of most blog posts. .

The third way to find blog posts that are specific to a category is to use the category tags that are listed on the WordPress blog home screen. To do this, click on the “category” link in the left sidebar.

This will open a list of all the categories on the blog.

Once you have found the category that you are looking for, you can use the tag search feature to find blog posts that are related to that category. To use the tag search feature, first click on the “tags” link in the left sidebar.

This will open a list of all the tags on the blog.

Next, enter the keyword that you are looking for in the “search for” field. This will bring up a list of blog posts that have been tagged with that keyword.

Finally, click on the “show results” button to see a list of all the blog posts that have been tagged with the keyword that you have entered.

If you are not sure how to use the tag search feature, you can always contact the blog owner for help.