How Do I Assign a Category to a Page in WordPress?

When you’re creating a new WordPress blog, one of the first things you need to do is assign a category to it. Categories are a great way to structure your blog posts, making it easier for readers to find the information they’re looking for.

There are several ways to assign a category to a WordPress page. You can use the WordPress category management screen, the category plugin, or the wp_categories filter.

The WordPress category management screen is the easiest way to get started. Just click on the “Categories” tab, and then select the category you want to assign the page to.

The category plugin is a more advanced way to assign categories to pages. It allows you to add, edit, and delete categories, as well as assign pages to specific categories.

The plugin is available for free from the WordPress Plugin Directory.

The wp_categories filter is the most powerful way to assign categories to pages. It allows you to specify a list of category names, in addition to the page’s slug (the name of the page without the WordPress filename).

This is the method we’ll be using in this article.

To use the wp_categories filter, you first need to add it to your WordPress plugin. Then, you can use the filter to assign categories to pages.

To assign a category to a page, you first need to add the category name to the filter’s filter_args parameter. For example, to assign the “WordPress” category to the page “My First WordPress Blog Post”, you would use the filter_args parameter like this:


Next, you need to specify the page’s slug. For example, if the page’s slug is “my-first-WordPress-blog-post”, then you would use the filter_args parameter like this:

wp_categories(“WordPress”, “my-first-WordPress-blog-post”);

Finally, you need to specify the category category name. For example, if the category name is “WordPress”, then you would use the filter_args parameter like this:

After you’ve added the filter to your WordPress plugin, you can use it to assign categories to pages. To do this, simply enter the page’s slug into the WordPress category management screen, and then use the filter’s filter_apply button to assign the category.

There’s no need to worry about the category names being correct. WordPress will automatically convert the category name into the correct slug.

That’s all there is to it! You can now assign categories to your WordPress pages using the wp_categories filter. Thanks for reading!.