How Do I Create a Category Shortcode in WordPress?

Category Shortcodes in WordPress

If you’re looking to add some organization to your content with WordPress, then you’ll want to consider using category shortcodes. This simple technique allows you to add a category to any post or page without having to create a new category page or add any manually entered information.

To create a category shortcode, first you’ll need to create a new file called category.php in your WordPress theme directory.

This file will contain the shortcode code you’ll need to use.

To add a category to a post or page, you’ll simply need to include the category shortcode in the post or page content. For example, if you want to add a category called “Testimonials” to a post, you would include the following code in the post content:

[testimonials category=”Testimonials”]

You can also use the shortcode to display a list of all of the categories that a post or page belongs to. To do this, you would include the following code in the post or page content:

[testimonials categories=”Testimonials, Blogging, WordPress”]

You can also use the category shortcode to create custom taxonomies for your WordPress site. To do this, you’ll first need to create a new custom taxonomy in WordPress.

Then, you can include the category shortcode in the post or page content to display the custom taxonomy in place of the standard WordPress categories.

For example, if you want to create a custom taxonomy called “Testimonials for the Month” that contains all of the testimonials for the current month, you would include the following code in the post or page content:

[testimonials category=”Testimonials for the Month”]

You can also use the category shortcode to add custom post types to your WordPress site. To do this, you’ll first need to create a new custom post type in WordPress.

Then, you can include the category shortcode in the post or page content to display the custom post type in place of the standard WordPress posts.

For example, if you want to create a new custom post type called “Testimonials for a Product” that contains all of the testimonials for a specific product, you would include the following code in the post or page content:

[testimonials category=”Testimonials for a Product”].