How Do I Find the Category Shortcode in WordPress?

If you want to add a category to your posts or pages in WordPress, you’ll need to find the category shortcode. The category shortcode is typically located in the functions.

php file of your WordPress installation, but it can also be found in the header of your WordPress site.

To find the category shortcode in WordPress, open the functions.php file and search for the following line:

} else if ( is_category() ) {

This line indicates that the category shortcode is located in the functions.php file.

To use the category shortcode, you’ll need to include it inside of a function call. To add a new category to your posts, you could use the following code:.

add_category( ‘new-category’, ‘new-category-name’ );


add_category( ‘all-categories’, ‘all-categories-name’ );

add_category( ‘none’ );

add_category( ‘default’ );

add_category( ‘all’ );

The category shortcode can be used to add a new category to your posts or pages, or to add the category name to all of your posts and pages.