How Do I Change the Size of a Table in WordPress?

In this article, we will show you how to change the size of a WordPress table. By default, tables in WordPress are set to a small size.

In some cases, this may not be enough space to display all of the data in your table. If this is the case, you can change the size of a table in WordPress by following these steps:.

1. Open your WordPress website in your browser.

2. Navigate to the WordPress admin area.

3. Click on the “Table” menu item.

4. Select the table that you want to modify.

5. On the “Table settings” page, you will see the “Table size” option.

6. Click on the “Size” option.

7. Enter the size in pixels that you want the table to be.

8. Click on the “Update table” button.

9. Click on the “Save changes” button.

10. Reload your website to see the changes.

Now that you have changed the size of a table in WordPress, you may want to consider using a table grid plugin to help manage your data more effectively.