How Do I Change the Size of Text in WordPress?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that enables users to create and manage their own websites. One of the features of WordPress that makes it particularly popular is its flexibility.

WordPress allows users to change the size of text in a variety of ways.

To change the text size in WordPress, first open the Settings screen. Next, under the General tab, click on the Text Size option.

This will open the Text Size dialog box. To change the text size, enter the new text size in the Text Size field and then click on the OK button.

WordPress will automatically adjust the text size for all posts, pages, and themes. If you want to change the text size for only certain elements, you can do so by clicking on the Text Size Options link next to the element you want to change.

This will open the Text Size Options dialog box. In this dialog box, you can select the size you want for the selected element.

Finally, if you want to disable text size changes altogether, you can do so by unchecking the Enable Text Size Changes option.