How Do I Change the Size of a Column in WordPress?

Columns are a fundamental part of WordPress, and they allow you to display content in an organized way. However, sometimes you may want to change the size of a column, or even add additional columns.

In this article, we will discuss how to change the size of a column in WordPress.

To change the size of a column in WordPress, first you will need to open the wp_options table in your WordPress database. To do this, go to the main administration area (usually located at http://yourdomain.

com/wp-admin/) and click on the “wp_options” link in the header.

Once you are in the wp_options table, you will need to find the column that you want to change the size of. To do this, use the “Columns” menu item to open the Columns screen.

On the Columns screen, you will see a list of all of the columns in your WordPress database. To change the size of a column, select the column that you want to change, and use the “Columns” menu item to open the “Columns Settings” screen.

On the “Columns Settings” screen, you will see a list of all of the available options for the column that you selected. To change the size of a column, you will need to use the “Size” menu item.

The “Size” menu item allows you to change the size of the column in terms of pixels, characters, or both. You can also use the “Width” and “Height” menu items to specify the new size in pixels or characters, respectively.

Once you have set the new size for the column, you will need to save the changes to the wp_options table. To do this, use the “Update” button on the “Columns Settings” screen.

Finally, you will need to re-index your WordPress database. To do this, go to the “Database” screen in the main administration area, and use the “Reindex” button to re-index your WordPress database.

Congratulations, you have successfully changed the size of a column in WordPress!.