How Do I Change the Position of a Logo in WordPress?

Logo placement in WordPress can be a bit of a headache. There are a variety of ways to do it, but they all have their own set of pros and cons. Here’s a guide on how to change the position of your logo in WordPress:

1) Use the customizer

The easiest way to change the logo’s position is to use the WordPress customizer. Head to Customize > Logo and select your logo.

You can then adjust the position, size, and color of the logo.

2) Use a plugin

There are a few plugins that allow you to change the logo’s position in WordPress. One of the most popular is WP Logo Customizer.

It allows you to change the logo’s position, size, and color, as well as to add a border around it.

3) Use a shortcode

You can also use a shortcode to change the logo’s position in WordPress. To do this, simply add a shortcode to your post or page. For example, you could use the following code to change the logo’s position to the bottom of the page:

[logo_position] bottom

4) Use a plugin and a plugin plugin

If you want to change the logo’s position and size using a plugin, you can also use a plugin plugin. This will allow you to use two different plugins to change the logo’s position and size.

For example, you could use the WP Logo Customizer plugin and the WP Smush Logo plugin to change the logo’s position and size, respectively.

5) Use a custom template

If you want to change the logo’s position and size using a custom template, you can use a plugin like WP Logo Customizer to create a custom template for logo placement. Then, you can use that template to change the logo’s position and size.

Ultimately, the best way to change the logo’s position in WordPress is to use the customizer, a plugin, or a custom template.