How Do I Create a Robots TXT File in WordPress?

In order to create a robots.txt file in WordPress, you will first need to navigate to your WordPress administration area and find the “Settings” menu item. From here, you will be able to unlock the “General” section of the Settings menu.

Once you have accessed the “General” section, you will need to click on the “Robots.txt” link in the left-hand column.

Once you have clicked on the “Robots.txt” link, you will be presented with the “Robots.txt File” preview window. This window will allow you to view and edit the contents of your robots.

txt file. To create a robots.txt file in WordPress, you will first need to add the following lines to the preview window:.

User-agent: *

Disallow: /

Disallow: /wp-admin/

Disallow: /wp-includes/

Disallow: /wp-content/

Disallow: /wp-includes/js/jquery/

Disallow: /wp-includes/css/

You will also need to add a “Referer” line to your robots.txt file.

The “Referer” line will allow WordPress to identify which websites are linking to your robots. The “Referer” line should look like this:.


Once you have completed adding the lines to your robots.txt file, you will need to save it. You can do this by clicking on the “Saving Changes” button located at the bottom of the preview window. Once you have saved your robots.

txt file, you will need to make sure that it is enabled. To do this, you will need to navigate to your WordPress administration area and locate the “Settings” menu item. From here, you will be able to enable the “Robots.txt” setting.

Once your robots.txt file is enabled, you will need to add a “Disallow” line to your robots. The “Disallow” line will prevent specific websites from accessing your WordPress blog. The “Disallow” line should look like this:.


In this article, we have explained how to create a robots.txt file in WordPress. You will first need to unlock the “General” section of the Settings menu. Once you have accessed the “General” section, you will need to click on the “Robots.

From here, you will be able to create, modify and save your robots. You will also need to add a “Disallow” line to your robots.txt file in order to prevent specific websites from accessing your WordPress blog.