How Do I Change the Length of My Custom Excerpt in WordPress?

Changing the Length of Your Custom Excerpt in WordPress

If you want to change the length of your custom excerpt in WordPress, there are a few ways you can go about it. The first option is to go to the Custom Fields section of your WordPress admin area and make the change there.

However, this may not be the most ideal solution for you if you want to be able to easily change the excerpt length on a regular basis.

The second option is to use the wp_excerpt() function. This function will allow you to set the excerpt length for all posts in a given WordPress blog or site.

However, this option may not be ideal if you only want to change the excerpt length for a specific post or group of posts.

The final option is to use a plugin like Excerpt Pro. This plugin will allow you to set the excerpt length for all posts in a given WordPress blog or site, as well as to easily change the excerpt length on a regular basis.

This is the option that may be the best suited for you if you want to be able to easily change the excerpt length on a regular basis.