How Do I Change the Admin Layout in WordPress?

Changing the admin layout in WordPress can be a bit of a challenge, but it is definitely possible. There are a few different ways to go about it, and each one has its own set of pros and cons.

The easiest way to change the admin layout is to use a plugin. There are a number of them available, and most of them are free.

The downside is that most of these plugins require you to edit a few configuration files, and they can be a bit complex to use.

Another option is to use a custom theme. This is the approach that I took, and it was definitely the easiest option.

All I had to do was install a theme and configure it to my liking.

The downside of using a custom theme is that it can be a bit more complicated to set up. You will likely need to edit a number of files, and it can be difficult to find a theme that fits your needs.

The final option is to use a plugin and a custom template. This is the approach that I took, and it was definitely the most complicated option.

I had to install both a plugin and a custom template, and then I had to edit a number of files to get it to work the way that I wanted.

Overall, changing the admin layout in WordPress is a pretty easy task, but it can be a bit challenging if you want to do it the way that is the easiest for you.