How Do I Change the Admin Color Scheme in WordPress?

If you want to change the admin color scheme in WordPress, there are a few ways to do it. The easiest way is to go to the Appearance section of your WordPress admin area and click on the Colors tab.

There, you can select a new color scheme for your admin area.

If you want to change the color of all of the admin area elements at once, you can use the Customizer plugin. The Customizer plugin allows you to change the color, font, and other elements of your WordPress site. Once you have installed the Customizer plugin, go to the Appearance section and click on the Customizer button. In the Customizer window, select the Admin Area option from the list on the left.

In the Customizer window that pops up, select the Colors tab. There, you can select a new color scheme for your admin area.

If you want to change the color of just a few elements of the admin area, you can use the Visual Composer plugin. The Visual Composer plugin allows you to create custom templates for your WordPress site. Once you have installed the Visual Composer plugin, go to the Appearance section and click on the Visual Composer button.

In the Visual Composer window that pops up, select the Admin Area option from the list on the left.

If you want to change the color of just one element of the admin area, you can use the Color Schemes plugin. The Color Schemes plugin allows you to create custom color schemes for your WordPress site.

Once you have installed the Color Schemes plugin, go to the Appearance section and click on the Color Schemes button.