How Do I Change Admin Settings in WordPress?

Changing WordPress admin settings can be a challenging task, but it’s not impossible. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

1. Log in to your WordPress admin area.

2. Click on the “admin bar” located at the top of the screen.

3. Under “Settings,” click on “WordPress Admin.”

4. On the “WordPress Admin Settings” screen, you will see a number of different options.

Some of these options may be hidden, so be sure to scroll down and find them.

5. In particular, you will want to look for the “Settings” tab, and the “Admin Menu” section.

Here you will find options to control how users access your WordPress site, and how they interact with the WordPress admin area.

6. To change a setting, click on the option you want to modify, and then enter the new value in the “Value” field.

7. If you want to disable a setting, simply enter “false” in the “Value” field.

8. Click on the “Save Changes” button to finalize your changes.

9. Be sure to test your changes by logging in to your WordPress site and clicking on the “Admin Menu” option to see how they’ve affected the way your site functions.

10. If you find that your changes don’t work as expected, be sure to check the “Admin Menu” settings again, and make sure that you’re entering the correct values into the “Value” field.

11. If everything still isn’t working the way you want it to, you may need to contact WordPress support to get help troubleshooting your settings.

However, in most cases, adjusting WordPress admin settings is a relatively simple task that can be accomplished using these tips.