How Do I Add Snapchat to My WordPress Website?

Adding Snapchat to your WordPress website can be a great way to keep your followers updated on your latest posts and updates. To add Snapchat to your WordPress website, you will need to first get a Snapchat account. After you have created your Snapchat account, you will need to add the Snapchat plugin to your WordPress website. Next, you will need to add the Snapchat shortcode to your posts and pages.

After you have added the shortcode, you will need to add a Snapset widget to your WordPress website. After you have added the Snapset widget, you will need to configure it to show your latest posts and updates from Snapchat. Finally, you will need to send out your first post from Snapchat to your followers. After your first post is sent out, your followers will be able to view your latest posts and updates from Snapchat on your WordPress website.