How Do I Add a Pop Up Video to My WordPress Site?

Adding a pop up video to your WordPress site is easy. First, you will need to find a plugin that will allow you to do this.

There are many pop up video plugins available, so it is important to find one that will fit your specific needs.

Once you have found the plugin, you will need to install it. After you have installed the plugin, you will need to create a new pop up video.

The pop up video will need to be placed inside of the WordPress site. Once you have created the pop up video, you will need to add some settings to it.

The first setting you will need to add is the height and width of the pop up. You will also need to add a trigger. The trigger will tell the plugin when to open the pop up.

You will also need to add a title to the pop up. The title will be the title that will be shown in the browser when the pop up is opened.

After you have added the settings to the pop up, you will need to add the video. The video will need to be placed inside of a WordPress post. The video will need to be placed inside of a YouTube or Vimeo post.

The video will need to be placed in the correct format. The video will need to be in MP4 format.

After you have added the video, you will need to add the URL to the video. The URL will need to be placed inside of the post.

The URL will need to be placed in the correct format. The URL will need to be placed in the post.

After you have added the URL, you will need to add the option to open the pop up in a new window. The option to open the pop up in a new window will need to be added to the plugin settings.

The option to open the pop up in a new window will need to be added to the plugin settings.

After you have added the option to open the pop up in a new window, you will need to add the option to close the pop up. The option to close the pop up will need to be added to the plugin settings.

The option to close the pop up will need to be added to the plugin settings.

After you have added the option to close the pop up, you will need to add the plugin to the WordPress site. The plugin will need to be added to the WordPress site.

The plugin will need to be added to the WordPress site.

After you have added the plugin, you will need to activate the plugin. The plugin will need to be activated.

The plugin will need to be activated.

After you have activated the plugin, you will need to add a link to the pop up. The link to the pop up will need to be added.

The link to the pop up will need to be added.

After you have added the link, you will need to add the pop up to the WordPress site. The pop up will need to be added to the WordPress site.

The pop up will need to be added to the WordPress site.

After you have added the pop up, you will need to test the pop up. The pop up will need to be tested.

The pop up will need to be tested.

After you have tested the pop up, you will need to publish the pop up. The pop up will need to be published.

The pop up will need to be published.

After you have published the pop up, you will need to sit back and enjoy the pop up. The pop up will need to be enjoyed.

The pop up will need to be enjoyed.