How Do I Add an Email to My WordPress Engine?

Adding an email to your WordPress engine is a relatively simple process. First, log in to your WordPress admin area and navigate to the “Settings” menu.

Next, click on “Plugins” and then on “Email.” You’ll be presented with a list of all of your installed plugins, and you can click on the “Email” plugin to open its settings.

In the “Email Settings” area, you’ll first need to add a domain. This is the domain name or IP address of the email server that you want to use for sending WordPress emails. Next, you’ll need to enter your email address. This is the address that WordPress will use to send email messages to your subscribers.

Finally, you’ll need to enter the email subject line and the email body. The subject line will be used as the title of the email message, and the body will be the content of the email.

Once you’ve filled in all of the required information, click on the “Save Changes” button to save your changes and return to the “Email” plugin’s settings page. You’ll now need to add a new email address.

To do this, click on the “Add New” button and enter the email address that you want to add to your newsletter list. You can then click on the “Save Changes” button to save your changes and return to the “Email” plugin’s settings page.

Now that you’ve added your email addresses and settings, you’re ready to start sending your WordPress newsletter messages! To do this, click on the “Activate” button next to the email address that you want to use for sending the newsletter messages and then click on the “Send Newsletter” button to start sending the messages. You’ll receive a confirmation message that the newsletter has been sent, and you can then click on the “View Email” button to view the contents of the email.