How Do I Add and Manage Multilevel Categories in WordPress?

Adding and managing multilevel categories in WordPress is a breeze. There are a few different ways to do it, depending on what you want to achieve.

The most basic way is to use the category dropdown menu in the post editor. You can also use custom fields to store your categories, or add a category meta box to your posts.

If you want to use custom post types to store your categories, you can create a new post type and add a taxonomy field to it. Then, you can add a category field to your posts, and use the category dropdown menu or the category meta box to manage your categories.

The best way to manage your categories is to use a plugin. There are a few good multilevel category plugins available, including WPBakery Page Builder’s Category option, Jetpack’s Category Manager, and SumoMe’s Categories.

Once you’ve installed a plugin, you can add a category field to your posts, and then use the plugin’s interface to manage your categories.

The best way to find plugins that support multilevel categories is to search for “multilevel category” in the WordPress plugin directory. You’ll find a wide variety of plugins that will help you manage your content in the most effective way possible.