How Do I Add Multiple Categories in WordPress?

Adding Multiple Categories in WordPress
There are a few ways you can add multiple categories in WordPress. The easiest way is to use the Categories widget in the Widgets area of your WordPress dashboard.

You can also add categories using the Add New Category button on the Posts section of the WordPress admin area.

If you want to add categories using a plugin, there are several options available. The most popular plugin for adding multiple categories is called Category Manager.

Another popular plugin is called Categorypress, and it allows you to add, manage, and export categories.

If you want to add categories manually, you can use the Categories function in the WordPress core code. You can also use a plugin like Category Functions to make adding categories easier.

Once you’ve added your categories, it’s important to make sure that you’re using the correct category for your content. You should use the category that best describes the type of content you’re posting.

For example, you would use the category “Articles” for blog posts about articles, “Photos” for photos, and so on.

Once you’ve added your categories and content, it’s time to start categorizing your posts. You can use the Categories function in the WordPress core code to categorize posts automatically.

Alternatively, you can use a plugin like Category Functions to make categorizing posts easy.

Finally, it’s important to remember to update your category structure on a regular basis. This will keep your categories current and useful.

You can use the Category Updates function in the WordPress core code to automatically update your categories. Alternatively, you can use a plugin like Category Updates to make updating your categories easy.