How Do I Add and Edit Categories in WordPress?

Adding and editing categories in WordPress is a fairly simple process. To add a category, go to the Categories screen in the admin area of your website, and click on the “Add New Category” button.

Once you’ve added a new category, you’ll need to provide some information about it. The first thing you’ll need to do is decide what name you want to give the category.

You can either type in a name directly, or use the dropdown menu to select one of the existing WordPress categories.

After you’ve named the category, you’ll need to decide what type of content it should contain. WordPress has a variety of category types, including:


Once you’ve decided what type of content the category should contain, you’ll need to provide some information about it. The first thing you’ll need to do is decide what subcategories the category should contain.

You can add as many subcategories as you want, and they’ll all be listed in the Category screen when you’re editing the category.

After you’ve added the subcategories, you’ll need to provide some information about them. WordPress has a variety of category types, including:

Once you’ve decided what type of content the category should contain, you’ll need to.