How Do I Add a Co Author in WordPress?

Adding a co-author in WordPress is fairly simple. You first need to create a new author account, and then add the author’s name and email address to the account.

You can then add the author as a co-author to any posts or pages you create.

To add an author as a co-author, first open your posts or pages in WordPress. Then click the “Author” tab at the top of the screen. Next, click the “Add New” link next to the author’s name.

You’ll then be prompted to enter the author’s email address. Once you’ve entered the email address, you’ll be able to enter the author’s name and other information, like the author’s website.

Once you’ve added the author as a co-author, the author will be listed as a contributor on all of your posts and pages. They’ll also be able to edit and manage their contributions on the WordPress.

com website.