How Do I Add an Author in WordPress?

Adding an author in WordPress is simple. The first step is to go to the “Posts” page in your WordPress admin area and click on the “Add New” button. In the “Post Details” box, you will need to enter the author’s name and blog URL.

You can also provide a brief bio for the author. Once you have entered all of the information, click on the “Save” button.

Now that you have added an author, you will need to create a post for the author. To do this, go to your blog’s homepage and enter the author’s blog URL in the address bar. Then, click on the “Post New” button. In the “Post Type” box, select “Blog Post.

” In the “Title” box, enter the title of the post. In the “Body” box, enter the text of the post. Click on the “Publish” button.

Once the post has been published, you will see a link to the post on the author’s blog. You can also find the post on the WordPress blog home page.

The “Publish” button will now say “Published.”.