How Do I Add a New Author in WordPress?

Adding a new author in WordPress is a fairly easy process. First, you’ll need to create a new file called authors.

php in your WordPress root directory. Within this file, you’ll need to add the following lines of code:.

Next, you’ll need to create an author object. To do this, you’ll first need to determine the ID of the author you want to add. To do this, open the wp_users table in the WordPress database and look for the ID column. This column will contain the ID of the author you want to add.

Next, you’ll need to create an author object using this ID. To do this, open your authors.php file and add the following code:.

class Author {

* The author’s ID.

const int id;

* The author’s name.

const string name;

* The author’s email address.

const string email;

* The author’s website.

const string website;

* The author’s bio.

const string bio;

* The author’s public status.

const int public_status;

* The author’s posts count.

const int posts_count;

* The author’s latest post date.

const int latest_post_date;

* The author’s latest post time.

const int latest_post_time;

* The author’s last login.

const int last_login;

* The author’s last post.

const int last_post;

* The author’s latest ping.

const int latest_ping;

* The author’s registration date.

const int registration_date;

* The author’s posts_per_page.

const int posts_per_page;


Next, you’ll need to create a function to add an author to your WordPress site. To do this, open your functions.php file and add the following code:

function add_author() {

// Get the author’s ID.

$author_id = wp_users::ID();

// Add the author to the database.

wp_users::add( $author_id, array( ‘name’ => get_string(‘Name’), ’email’ => get_string(‘Email’), ‘website’ => get_string(‘Website’), ‘bio’ => get_string(‘Bio’), ‘public_status’ => get_int( ‘Public Status’), ‘posts_count’ => get_int( ‘Posts Count’), ‘latest_post_date’ => get_int( ‘Latest Post Date’), ‘latest_post_time’ => get_int( ‘Latest Post Time’), ‘last_login’ => get_int( ‘Last Login’), ‘last_post’ => get_int( ‘Last Post’), ‘latest_ping’ => get_int( ‘Latest Ping’), ‘registration_date’ => get_int( ‘Registration Date’), ‘posts_per_page’ => get_int( ‘Posts Per Page’ ) ) );

Finally, you’ll need to register this function with the WordPress site. To do this, open your WordPress site in your browser and click on the Plugins menu item. Next, click on the Add New Item menu item and enter the name of your function into the Name field. Next, click on the Add button and add the appropriate lines of code to the function’s body.

Finally, click on the Save and Activate button to save your changes. Now, when you add a new author to your WordPress site, their information will be added to the authors table in the database.