Why Is My WordPress Site Not Showing Up in Google Search?

If you have a WordPress site and you’re not seeing it show up in Google search, there are a few things you can check. First, make sure you have the latest version of WordPress installed.

If you’re using an older version, Google may not be able to index it properly.

Additionally, you may need to adjust your permalinks. WordPress uses permalinks to determine how to display your posts in the search results pages.

You can change your permalinks by going to your WordPress admin panel and clicking on the ‘Settings’ tab. Under ‘Permalinks,’ you’ll need to enter the correct URL for your site.

If you still don’t see your WordPress site appearing in Google search results, you may want to consider redesigning your site. Google looks for well designed, information-rich sites when ranking them in their search engine results pages.

By redesigning your site, you can make it more accessible and easier for people to find the information they’re looking for.