Why Does My WordPress Blog Not Show Up on Google?

When you type in the name of your blog on Google, you might not see any results. This could be because your blog is not indexed properly or because you have not done enough to make it visible to Google.

There are a few things that you can do to make your blog more visible to Google. First, make sure that your blog is properly indexed by Google.

This can be done by submitting your blog to Google’s Blog Indexing Program or by using a blog engine that automatically indexes your blog.

Another way to make your blog more visible to Google is to create high quality content. This means writing about topics that are of interest to Google and to your readers.

You can also promote your blog through Google AdWords and other paid advertising campaigns.

Finally, make sure that your blog is easy to find. You can do this by adding your blog address to your web pages, by using keyword rich titles and by adding Targeted keywords to your blog posts.