Why Does My Post Say Uncategorized in WordPress?

It can be frustrating when you try to post a new article, and WordPress says the post is categorized incorrectly. But what is WordPress categorizing your post as?

There are a few reasons why your post might be categorized incorrectly. First, if you’re using a custom taxonomy, WordPress might not have assigned a category to it yet.

Second, if your post has been deleted or moved, WordPress might have categorize it as an unpublished post. Finally, if your post is in the wrong category, WordPress might have placed it there automatically based on the content.

If you’re having trouble categorizing your post, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the problem. First, make sure your post has been properly published. If you’ve moved or deleted your post, you can try re-publishing it.

If your post is in the wrong category, you can try categories specific to the topic of your post. Finally, you can use the WordPress category search to try and find a category that better matches the content of your post.

If you still can’t find a category that matches the content of your post, you can submit a new post to the correct category. If your post has been deleted, you can submit a copy of the post to the Lost Posts section of the WordPress admin.