Who Can Post in WordPress?

In order to post in WordPress, you must be a registered user with an account. You can create an account at WordPress.

com or by creating a user account with your hosting provider. Once you have an account, you can enter your username and password to log in.

Once you are logged in, you will see a dashboard that looks something like this:

The top bar on the dashboard includes a list of all the posts you have made, as well as a list of all the posts you are following. The posts list includes all the posts you have made, as well as the posts of any users you are following.

The Following menu includes a list of all the users you are following, as well as a list of all the users who are following you. The menu also includes a list of all the posts that are being followed by any of the users you are following.

The Posts area on the dashboard includes a list of all the posts you have made. The Posts list includes all the posts you have made, as well as the posts of any users you are following.

The Posts area on the dashboard also includes a list of all the posts that are being followed. The Posts list includes all the posts that are being followed, as well as the posts of any users you are following.