Where Is the Trash Page in WordPress?

An elaborated article about where the trash page in WordPress is:

WordPress trash can is located in the Trash folder in the WordPress installation. To access it, click the “Trash” button on the WordPress toolbar, or go to the “Design” screen in the admin area, and click the “Trash” link in the “Themes” category.

When you delete a post or a page, WordPress removes it from the trash can and marks it as deleted. If you want to restore it, you first have to delete the temporary files that WordPress creates when it deletes the post or page.

Then you can restore it from the trash can by clicking the Restore button.

The restore process is the same for posts and pages. If you want to restore only a post, click the Restore Post button on the post’s detail page.

If you want to restore only a page, click the Restore Page button on the page’s detail page.

If you want to permanently delete a post or page from the trash can, click the Delete button.

WordPress doesn’t keep track of which posts or pages you’ve deleted from the trash can, so you can’t go back and restore them. If you want to restore a post or page that you deleted from the trash can, you have to delete the post or page and then restore it.

WordPress doesn’t keep track of which posts or pages you’ve restored from the trash can, so you have to delete the post or page and then restore it.