Where Is the Page Id in WordPress?

One of the most common questions WordPress users have is where the page id is located. To answer this question, we need to first understand what a page id is.

Page id is a unique identifier for a WordPress page. It is a string of characters that is generated when a WordPress site is created.

Pages in WordPress are identified by their page ids.

When you create a new WordPress site, the site administrator assigns a unique page id to the new site’s first page. WordPress then assigns a page id to every page on the site.

The page id is located in the wp-config.php file. To find it, open the file in a text editor and look for the line that reads:

define(‘WP_USE_THE_PAGE_ID’, true);

If WP_USE_THE_PAGE_ID is set to true, then the page id is located in that line. If it is not set to true, then the page id is not located in that line and must be manually assigned.

If you want to change the page id for a WordPress site, you need to use the wp-config.php file to change the setting.

The page id can be changed only if the site is not hosted on WordPress.com.