Where Is the Site Map in WordPress?

In WordPress, the site map is a powerful tool that allows you to see all the pages on your website as well as the posts and pages on those pages. You can also see the links between pages, as well as the relationships between posts and pages.

To add a site map to your WordPress site, go to the “Appearance” menu in the WordPress dashboard, and then click on “Site Maps.” You’ll then see the site map appear in the left column of the WordPress admin area.

To create a new page in the site map, click on the “New Page” button in the toolbar at the top of the admin area. You can then enter the name of the page in the “Name” field, and click on the “Create” button.

To add a post to the site map, click on the “Add New Post” button in the toolbar at the top of the admin area. You can then enter the name of the post in the “Title” field, and click on the “Create” button.

To add a link between two posts in the site map, click on the “Link” button in the toolbar at the top of the admin area. You can then enter the name of the link in the “Link” field, and click on the “Create” button.

To see the links between pages in the site map, click on the “Links” button in the toolbar at the top of the admin area. You’ll then see a list of all the links between pages in the site map.

To see the posts and pages on a given page in the site map, click on the “Pages” button in the toolbar at the top of the admin area. You’ll then see a list of all the posts and pages on the given page in the site map.

To see the links between posts and pages on a given page in the site map, click on the “Links” button in the toolbar at the top of the admin area. You’ll then see a list of all the links between posts and pages on the given page in the site map.

To see the relationships between posts and pages in the site map, click on the “Relationships” button in the toolbar at the top of the admin area. You’ll then see a list of all the relationships between posts and pages on the given page in the site map.

To see the site map for a specific post or page, click on the “View Post” or “View Page” link in the toolbar at the top of the post or page, respectively. You’ll then see the site map for the post or page, which you can use to navigate around the site.

Finally, you can use the “Page Settings” button in the toolbar at the top of the admin area to configure the site map. You can, for example, disable the “Show Posts and Pages” option, which will hide posts and pages from the site map.

Overall, the site map is a powerful tool that allows you to see all the pages on your website as well as the posts and pages on those pages.