Where Is the Hamburger Menu in WordPress?

The hamburger menu is a menu item that can be found in most WordPress themes. It is a menu that displays a list of all of the posts with a hamburger icon next to them.

When you click on a post, the menu will take you to the post’s page with all of the blog posts and pages that are linked to it.

In order to add a hamburger menu to your WordPress site, you will first need to find the right theme. Once you have found the right theme, you will need to go to the theme’s functions.php file and add the following line of code:

add_theme_support( ‘hamburger-menu’ );

After you have added the line of code, you will need to go to your WordPress site’s headers and add the following line of code:

title_for_posts = ‘Hamburger Menu';

Finally, you will need to add a link to the hamburger menu in your posts. To do this, you will need to go to the post’s editing screen and add the following line of code: