How Do I Remove the Hamburger Menu in WordPress?

There are a few ways to remove the hamburger menu from your WordPress website. One option is to use a plugin such as the Remove Menu plugin.

Another option is to use a custom code snippet. Finally, you can also use a plugin to disable the hamburger menu.

Which method you choose depends on your specific needs, but all of them are easy to implement.

The Remove Menu plugin is a good option if you want to keep the hamburger menu hidden but still accessible via a custom code snippet. To use this method, you’ll first need to install the Remove Menu plugin and enter the custom code into the plugin’s settings page.

After that, you’ll just need to activate the plugin and the hamburger menu will be hidden.

If you want to disable the hamburger menu completely, you can use a plugin such as Disable Menu. This plugin will enable you to disable the hamburger menu completely and also add a custom menu item to the WordPress admin area that will allow you to access the full menu.