Where Do I Find Head Tags in WordPress?

Head tags are a great way to help organize and manage your posts and pages in WordPress. They can be found in the post editor, under the “Posts” menu item.

To add a head tag to a post, just click on the “Add a Media” button on the post editor toolbar, and then select “Headers” from the drop-down menu.

To add a head tag to a page, just click on the “Add a Media” button on the page editor toolbar, and then select “Headers” from the drop-down menu. You can also add head tags using the “Edit Page” button (on the Pages tab of the WordPress admin area), or by using the “Add a Media” button on the post or page editor toolbar.

Once you’ve added a head tag, you can use the “Headers” section of the post or page editor toolbar to add custom headings and lists of headings. You can also use the “Titles and Meta” section of the headings to add meta data (title, description, etc.

) to your posts and pages.

Adding head tags is a great way to help organize your posts and pages in WordPress, and you can find them under the “Posts” menu item, or by using the “Add a Media” button on the post or page editor toolbar.